
Posts Tagged ‘Faith’

Often as Christians we speak of wanting more faith, deeper faith, stronger faith.  Pastor Michael Lawrence points us to a better way:

Do you wish for stronger faith, for more faith?  I want you to notice that here in Galatians, as far as Paul is concerned, the important thing isn’t the quantity or quality of your faith.  It’s the object of your faith that counts.  Abraham believed strongly in God.  He didn’t have faith in faith.  He heard God’s words of promise, and he believed them because God said them.  He trusted the character and the power of the one who spoke those words.  Do you want to strengthen your faith?  Do you want more faith?  The answer isn’t to focus on your faith.  The answer is to set your mind on God in Christ.  Meditate on his character, consider his words, reflect on his faithfulness, goodness, and mercy to you in Christ, and see what happens to your faith.

—Pastor Michael Lawrence, in Mark Dever and Michael Lawrence, It Is Well: Expositions on Substitutionary Atonement (Wheaton: Crossway, 2010), p. 183-184.  Emphasis in original.

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